Monday, June 30, 2008

I Made New Free Sig Website

Sorry I have been MIA for the last few days, but I have been working on a new project ! Since I love to do graphical artwork so much, I decided to make a website that offers free personalized signature tags and avatars. Signature Tags (called Sigs or Siggies) are pictures of your character with your name at the bottom. People use them to sign off on their forum posts, or e mails. They look something like this:

Avatars are small images that are used on the left of forum posts, usually as an easy means of identifying the poster. Avatars can have your name or be blank. They look something like this:

I am very excited about this and I hope that lots of people will order sigs for their toons ! I also made a sister site for Guild Banners. However, since Guild Banners are custom made and much more involved to make, I had to charge a small fee for making them. ($5 to $20) I can't put a sample of my Banners here because the images are very large, but if you want to see, check out the site at:

That's all for today !


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Employment for your AH Toon

G'day !

Today's post is kind of a continuation of my last one, in that it also deals with your AH toon. As you recall, an AH toon is one that resides in a capital city and does nothing but deal with your auctions.

First of all, you should level your AH toon to level 5, so they can learn a profession. Yes, regardless of what you have heard, you can make money with low level professions. You may not want to do this till you have 20 or so gold, because you are going to need some money to buy mats. My favorite two professions for AH toons are tailoring and enchanting. At very low levels of tailoring, you can make quite a few items that almost always sell in the AH.......and usually for more than you would think. Here is how I do it:

How to make extra money with your AH toon with tailoring/enchanting:

  1. Level your toon to 5 and learn tailoring and enchanting.
  2. Go to the AH and buy all linen cloth that is 15 silver or less for a stack of 20 pieces or 10 bolts. If there is none, then keep checking till there is. Don't buy more expensive stacks, it defeats the purpose of making a profit.
  3. Level your tailoring till you can make the following: white, brown, red, blue and green linen shirts and white and red linen robes.
  4. The shirts you can put in the AH and sell for 12 to 75 silver each. The white and brown sell for less and the green sells for slightly more. Before you put them in the AH, check and see if there are any in there and price yours a little less. If some idiot has put 20 of one color in for 1 silver each (he obviously made them to level his skill) then don't put any of your shirts of that color in that day, just hold on to them till the dollar shirts sell off and then you can sell yours for more.
  5. Level your enchanting till you get the chant for +5 to health. It's really low, like 20 or something. Once you have it, then go to the AH and buy a stack of Strange Dust. Don't pay more than 1 gold for it.
  6. The while linen robe pattern is from the trainer, but the red linen robe pattern you will have to buy. It is a very common pattern and you should not have to pay more than 10 silver for it. Learn both patterns and make three each per day, put the little +5 health chant on them and you can sell them for 89 silver to 1 gold 75 silver, depending on your server. Before putting them in the AH, check and see if there are any others in there already. If they are priced at 25 silver or less, buy them and enchant them and resell them. If they are over 25 silver, yours will still have an edge, even if they are priced higher, because of the enchant.

If you do this every time you put your quest loot in the AH, you will easily make an extra 5 gold or more, just from the sale of these small, low level things. You can do the same with some higher level tailoring items and make even more extra gold, but that is a post for another day. :)



Monday, June 23, 2008

The Importance of Having an AH Toon

Early on in my WoW playing career, I came to three conclusions:

  1. Always have the biggest bags you can.
  2. NEVER throw anything away that you get while questing, and if you have to, then toss singles and not stacks.
  3. Make an auction house toon, no matter how low level your main is.

The first two are self explanatory, so let's talk about the last one. You need to have a toon in your gold making arsenal that does nothing but sit in a capital city and be a businessman/woman. When you are out questing, every time you are near a mailbox, stop and do a "bag dump." This means you mail everything you have collected while questing to you AH toon. In the begining, I mailed everything, but after I learned what was garbage and what I could sell, I just sent the latter and vendored the rest. It can be a bit tricky to know the which is which and you have to be diligent to notice the difference between Lifeless Stone (garbage) and Solid Stone. (used by Jewelcrafters and Engineers) If you are too new to the game to know what to vendor, then mail everything and look items up on Thottbot.

You may be thinking that its a lot of trouble to go through to sell a green or a gray for few silver, but actually it's not. Just mail all your stuff to the AH toon, and then once every day or two (I recommend not more than that) you log into your AH guy and you dump everything into the Auction House and let nature take it's course. Next time you log in, you will have gold waiting for you ! Get in the habit of doing this every time you play and the gold you earn stacks up. If you don't know what to charge for items, check in the AH to see the going rate or use Auctioneer. (I will go into using Auctioneer, in more detail, in the is essential)

Now I know that my techniques are not for the average player. Many people I play with think I am crazy for bothering to sell everything I run across. I just smile, knowing I have epic flying mounts for all five of my 70's. Do they ? Usually you tell me who is crazy ? :)

Cya for today !


Saturday, June 21, 2008

How to be Annoying in a Raid :)

A friend asked me to come and help out in a Karazhan raid last night, and being the nice person that I am, I said "Sure !" Little did I know what I was getting into. It seems that they had a severe shortage of guildies for this run and had filled it mostly with PUGs. I could write book on the mistakes that were made, but the most outstanding thing that screamed to be written about was the annoying habits of the people in the group. Hence, this blog post:

How to be Annoying in a Raid

  1. Make sure to always show up late and without any reagents or potions that you will need for the ensuing battles. Everyone will be happy to share theirs with you and it will save you money, since you won't have to buy them.
  2. Whenever you are not fighting, constantly jump around like your butt is on fire. Make sure to do other "cute and funny" things like constantly sniffing, poking, slapping, farting and every other emote that Bliz offers, to everyone in the raid, especially the leader. I guarantee s/he will be impressed.
  3. Give orders to others in the raid, tell them how to fight, what to do, and how to play their character. After all, you know how to do all these things better than anyone else, right ? Everyone in the group will appreciate your help and will make sure to remember you.
  4. Swear every other word, especially if you are in Vent/TS. It will show the others how grown up you are.
  5. Walk away from your computer whenever you want, without telling anyone. If you feel the need to go play with your pet tarantula for a few minutes, that's cool and no one will mind.
  6. Roll need or say you need every piece of loot that drops, even if you can't really use it. That way you will get more loot and come out ahead
  7. Never run back on a wipe. Just stay dead and the priest or pally can rez you when they come back. That *is* their job, isn't it ?
  8. Lastly, make sure you put the raid leader on your Friends List and every time you see him or her online, whisper them and ask when the next raid is. It will keep your name fresh in their mind for the next time they need someone.
This list is, of course written "tongue in cheek" to be amusing, but I am sure you get the idea. Don't do these things, people. It is a sure fire way to never be asked back and to get a reputation as someone undesirable to group with.

Till next time,


Friday, June 20, 2008

A Quick "Don't Do"

Just a short note, I wanted to share, since this just happened to me when I was playing this evening. I was standing at the mailbox in Stormwind, checking out my auction sales, when a guild charter pops up on my screen. This happens to me quite a bit, and it just drives me nuts ! Let me tell you why.

  • It is rude to shove a guild charter in someone's face without whispering them first.
  • It's a poor way to promote an up and coming guild, basically saying that you will take anyone, without even bothering to talk to them first.
  • If you do not have ten people that are willing to start a guild with you, then you have no business starting one at all !

So, in a nutshell......don't do this !



Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Tip for Low Level Gold Making

I have had a lot of characters, both Horde and Alliance, and I know what a bummer it is not having much gold at lower levels. If you want to succeed in the BG or get your quests done sooner and easier, it is always better to have weapons and gear that are above average....that is, better than what you get for quest rewards or drops.

There are a few ways to get better gear:

Buy it in the Trade Channel
Buy it in the Auction House

You notice that the key word in both choices is BUY. This requires gold ! Many people are under the illusion that you cannot make gold unless you have a higher level character. I am here to tell you that is not true. When I discovered the AH, after 3 months of playing the game with characters that were always broke, I was astounded at how easy it is to make money. Today I plan to tell you one way I found to make money starting at level 5 !!

There is an NPC's in almost all the starting towns that sell little low level cooking recipes. For example, in Razor Hill, there is an NPC on the side of the inn that sells a recipe for Scorpid Surprise for 2 silver, 20 copper. The NPC in Goldshire sells a recipe for Longjaw Mud Snapper, he is by the wagon. All you have to do is to buy two or three of these recipes and resell them in the Auction House ! You buy the recipe for 2.20 gold and sell for a bid of 95 silver and a buy out of 1 gold 29 silver. You may want to check and see if anyone else is selling them, and if they are, make sure to price yours a few silver lower.

Now I know you are saying.....WHY would anyone buy them for that amount, if they can get them for 2.20 silver ? Well, I don't really know....but they do, trust me. I been selling these recipes for years and they almost always sell the first time you put them in. What I normally do is to buy a dozen and put them in my bank, so I can just pick them up and drop them in the AH at least once a day.

Ok, so you are not going to get rich off this overnight. I never said you would, however it is a nice way to make a few bucks on your way is one way. I have lots more ways that I will be discussing in the days ahead. :)



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day One !!! Let's Begin....

This is my first blog, so pardon me if I am a noob. I may be new to blogging but I am not new at World of Warcraft. I won't bother to define what WoW is, because if you don't know, I don't think you would be here reading this. I have been playing WoW since February 19, 2005. I was introduced to it, by a friend of mine that I knew for years on AOL, named Michael. I had never played a MMORPG before this, and to say I didn't have a clue would be putting it mildly. It was not so much like not knowing whether to buy a small or large car, as much as it was like not knowing what a car was. My first year in WoW was an eye opening experience. So much so that I even tried a few other MMORPG's......Star Wars Galaxies and Auto Assault. However, none of them could compare to World of Warcraft, not even close ! So here I am, over three years later and still playing. I have learned many things along the way, and I hope to share them with others in this Blog. If you are interested, then check back often and maybe I will cover topics that you are interested in. If you have a topic you would like me to cover, then please feel free to leave a comment.

See you soon
