Monday, June 30, 2008

I Made New Free Sig Website

Sorry I have been MIA for the last few days, but I have been working on a new project ! Since I love to do graphical artwork so much, I decided to make a website that offers free personalized signature tags and avatars. Signature Tags (called Sigs or Siggies) are pictures of your character with your name at the bottom. People use them to sign off on their forum posts, or e mails. They look something like this:

Avatars are small images that are used on the left of forum posts, usually as an easy means of identifying the poster. Avatars can have your name or be blank. They look something like this:

I am very excited about this and I hope that lots of people will order sigs for their toons ! I also made a sister site for Guild Banners. However, since Guild Banners are custom made and much more involved to make, I had to charge a small fee for making them. ($5 to $20) I can't put a sample of my Banners here because the images are very large, but if you want to see, check out the site at:

That's all for today !
