Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Leveling Herbalism Past 375

If any of you have Herbalists, like I do, then I am sure you have run in to the problem that I have.......Northrend's herbs are few and far between, since everyone is trying to level their skill. At level 72, my herbalism was still a pitiful 381, because I rarely see any herbs to pick while questing.

One day I was doing the cooking daily in Netherstorm (pickin them berries !) and I saw a Netherbloom, so I zoomed down to pick it and lo and behold, I gained a skill point ! So I flew around some more....saw a dreaming glory....picked it and voila, another skill point ! I hit the jackpot, it seems, as herbalism can be leveled by picking upper level Outland herbs. Since then, I have been back to Netherstorm, as time allows, to pick more herbs and level my skill. Trust me, since the expansion there are not a lot of people in Outlands and the herbs are pretty plentiful. I am up to 425 and still getting points from Netherbloom and Nightmare Vine.

Happy Picking !


Glyph Slots

I been wondering at what levels you get your glyph slots, so I looked it up. It goes something like this:

Level 1-14 - 0 Slots
Level 15-29 - 1 Major Slot, 1 Minor Slot
Level 30-49 - 2 Major Slots, 1 Minor Slot
Level 50-69 - 2 Major Slots, 2 Minor Slots
Level 70-79 - 2 Major Slots, 3 Minor Slots
Level 80 - 3 Major Slots, 3 Minor Slots

Just in case you wanted to know. :)
