Monday, November 3, 2008

Make a Ton of Gold With Vanity Pets

Sorry for neglecting you all, but Hallow's End is always a very busy time for me. With 15 characters, trying to get all the things done on each of them is a 24/7 job. Alas, I still didn't get it all done. Anyway, I have got some really great news of a way to make tons of gold so easily you won't believe it.

There is an achievement that you can get, for obtaining 50 unique vanity (non combat) pets and the reward is an adorable skunk pet. Now I am sure you are aware there are some anal people that play WoW that will have to do every single one of these achievements and there are also some people that just have to have Stinker, the Skunk. Either way, it mean lots of gold in your pockets selling pets in the various Auction Houses.

There are several ways to accomplish this, but by far the most lucrative way is to transfer pets from the other faction. (Alliance to Horde and Horde to Alliance) People will pay a lot of money to obtain a pet that they normally do not have access to. My best advice to you is this: DON'T GET GREEDY !!! There are some people on the servers that I play on that are trying to sell these pets for 50 gold each..... how ludicrous is that ? Look upon these greedy individuals as those that end up just making you look more fair and reasonable. Sell these pets for a decent price....I never charge more than 10 gold each and most of them I sell for between 5 and 8 gold each. Don't try to gouge people for 20+ gold....all that does is make people resent you, and sometimes they will remember your name and refuse to buy anything from you, ever !

If you don't have any characters on the other side, or a means to trade (you need a friend or to have two accounts, you cannot buy your own auctions) then you can also sell pets in the neutral auction just will not be able to sell them for as much. I put up 36 pets in the Booty Bay AH for 5 gold each (everyone else was selling them for 10 gold to 50 gold) and I sold them all in less than 6 hours. That was around 150 gold, and that was just selling Horde pets, I didn't even try selling Alliance.

If you don't know where or what pets are available, you can always look them up online, but let me give you a list of the ones that I usually trade. This will not be a complete list, as I am doing it from memory. (how scary is that ?)


Snakes from Orgrimmar
Prairie dogs from Thunder Bluff
Cockroaches from Undercity
Dragonhawk Hatchlings from Fairbreeze Village


Rabbits from Ambersill Ranch by Ironforge
Cats from crazy cat lady between Goldshire and Stormwind
Moths from Exodar
Owls from outside Darnassus

Neutral Locations
Parrots in Old Port Authority - Booty Bay
Anaconda Chicken - Racetrack in Shimmering Flats
Stormspire (Netherstorm) has an exotic pets dealer that has some reasonably priced pets and also some very expensive pets. I would stick to the cheap ones, the profit margin on a $40 gold wyrmling will not be much.

If you are an engineer, you can make mechanical squirrels for next to nothing and sell them for 5 to 10 gold or more. There are also mechanical chickens and frogs, but the mats are a bit more extensive. You could try advertising in trade chat as being able to make them if others supply the mats, for a fee.

There are other great gold making opportunities that come from achievements and I will be covering them in future posts.

Happy Gold Making !
