Thursday, June 18, 2009

WoW Twitter

You might want to check out, if you are a fan of Twitter. Wowtwitter is exactly the same principle as Twitter, but it is done from your WoW characters name.....and you can register more than one character per account with them. So you can tweet from your Orc Shaman, and also tweet from your Night Elf Priest, using the same account.

Check it out at You can find me there as Jadelynx. :)

For those of you that are real Twitter fanatics, you can have a sig made that shows your latest tweet, right in your sig. It makes an interesting siggie for forum posts or e mails.

Check it out at

Have fun,


Lots of New Stuff Comin Down in WoW

Well, there is a ton of new stuff coming down in WoW in Patch 3.2. Mounts will not be available at level 20......epic ground mounts at level 40.....and flying mounts at level 60. I have to admit to mixed feelings on this. On one hand, I am glad for my alts, it will make life easier. But, on the other hand, it kind of makes me mad. All the toons I have leveled that hoofed it till 40, rode slow till 60 and were ground bound till 70.....well it just doesn't seem quite fair. Too bad that Blizzard won't compensate us for all that extra annoyance. A thousand gold per toon would be acceptable. :p

The powers that be have seen fit to finally grace us with a portal to Outland in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, so at least we will not have to be traveling to the Blasted Lands to get to Shat anymore. No word on whether or not they will be level sensitive or not. We are also getting a new blimp that runs from from Orgrimmar to Thunderbluff. Good stuff for the newbies.

If you haven't done it yet, go to the Mountain Dew website and register to get your in game battle bot. All you have to do is sign up and the bot appears automatically in the mailbox of every toon you have, on every server, every account that is linked to your account. After you get it, you have to go back to the Dew site daily and get fuel so you can battle other peoples bots. It's pretty fun and free !

Speaking of accounts, if you have not linked yours in yet, don't be afraid. I did it and I am no worse for the wear. If you have two accounts, all it does is give you a central log in when you fire up WoW....a drop down menu give you a choice of accounts and then there is a password that works for both. You can still log into both accounts at the same time to trade and enchant stuff, and so on. So if you have been putting it off, you no longer need to.

Ciao for now,
