Monday, June 1, 2009

Gold for Honor or How to Make Money off Killing Your Enemies

If you have already gotten all your PVP stuff and are still getting honor every day......what do you do with it ? Well, there is a vendor in the PVP shop in Stormwind that sells gems. You can trade in your honor for gems that are NOT you can sell them.

Yep, it's amost like being a hitman. :P



Want to Win Wintergrasp ? (for Alliance)

I have found, that if you want to win Wintergrasp, even defending, then do it in the morning. The raids in the morning, like before 1 o'clock, are better organized and the people actually listen and follow orders. They actually work as a team.....a novel concept for the Alliance.

Not sure why this is.....maybe the Horde are not morning people. :) Maybe its because the kids are in school. I don't know why, but I tried it every morning last week and won every time.

Worth a shot, eh ?
