Friday, July 25, 2008

Cooking Murlocs For Real ! I Found a WoW Cookbook !

In my travels on the internet, today I came across something truly original. Not another leveling guide, or "Make 1000 gold a day" gold making guide, I found a cookbook......that has real recipes in it for the food you make in WoW. It's called The Original and Totally Unofficial Tauren Chef Cookbook. (they also have a few other recipes from other games like Eve Online) Yep, you can now make all those delectable things you have used to level your cooking, on all your toons like Gooey Spider Cake, Roast Raptor and Murloc Fin Soup.

But what if I can't cook, you may be saying. Well, this cookbook delivers in clear, simple and easy terms, so even if you burn water, you should be able to make all your WoW Favorites. Image having a Warcraft themed party, inviting your WoW buddies and serving them a full three course dinner of:

  • Nightfin Soup
  • Beer Basted Boar Ribs
  • Sand Pear Pie
YUMMY ! You could even have appetizers such as:
  • Buzzard Bites
  • Crab Cakes
  • Goblin Deviled Clams
I am sure it would be a total hoot, and something that would be talked about for a long time afterwards

You can even join the Tauren Chef's Newsletter and get a Free Mini cookbook. I joined because I love to cook and I love what could be better ? It's going to be a long time before I run out of things to have for dinner, now. :)

Check out the site, it's a lot of fun to read, even if you don't like to cook: The Tauren Chef



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