Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wooo Hooooo Lich King to Ship on November 13th !

Well, Blizz finally decided to fess up as to when Wrath of the Lich King is being shipped and the magic date is November 13th. They have been talking about it for so long, and leaking bits and pieces of information, the actual release date is almost anti-climactic. Anyway, if you have not ordered it yet, Amazon has the best price, at $36.99. Click below to order it.

Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack

I can't deny, I am getting excited. I have been reading up on the inscription profession and it sounds very different and fun. Luckily, I have two herbalists and a ton of herbs (sometimes it pays to be a packrat!) because that is what you need to level inscription. Click here to find out more about inscription. It rocks !

More later,


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