Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Leveling Herbalism Past 375
One day I was doing the cooking daily in Netherstorm (pickin them berries !) and I saw a Netherbloom, so I zoomed down to pick it and lo and behold, I gained a skill point ! So I flew around some more....saw a dreaming glory....picked it and voila, another skill point ! I hit the jackpot, it seems, as herbalism can be leveled by picking upper level Outland herbs. Since then, I have been back to Netherstorm, as time allows, to pick more herbs and level my skill. Trust me, since the expansion there are not a lot of people in Outlands and the herbs are pretty plentiful. I am up to 425 and still getting points from Netherbloom and Nightmare Vine.
Happy Picking !
Glyph Slots
Level 1-14 - 0 Slots
Level 15-29 - 1 Major Slot, 1 Minor Slot
Level 30-49 - 2 Major Slots, 1 Minor Slot
Level 50-69 - 2 Major Slots, 2 Minor Slots
Level 70-79 - 2 Major Slots, 3 Minor Slots
Level 80 - 3 Major Slots, 3 Minor Slots
Just in case you wanted to know. :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Gold and Wrath of the Lich King
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Death Knight Preparation
Core of Elements
Crypt Fiend Parts
Bone Fragments
Savage Fronds
Dark Iron Scraps
Each turn in (first time only) is worth 9550 XP, so that is a cool 47750 XP that you can net from items you can farm up now, since they are not soul bound.
The second thing you can do is start collecting wool, silk, mageweave and runecloth. Each faction has cloth turn ins that give you XP and they are located in:
Two in Ironforge
Two in Orgrimmar
Silvermoon City
Thunder Bluff
The quests are located by the tailor trainers (usually) at NPC's called Cloth Quartermaster and the name of the quest is "A Donation of...." For each of the 5 turn ins you will need 3 stacks (60 pieces) of wool, 3 stacks of silk, 3 stacks of mageweave, and 3 stacks of Runecloth. Multiply that times the 5 turn in locations and you have 15 stacks of each type of cloth, 60 stacks total. Hope you have lots of inventory space ! You must turn in the three lower level cloths in order to get to runecloth. Your reward is 17650 XP for each turn in....a hefty amount for doing nothing but forking over cloth. 88250 total....definitely worth your while, and as an added bonus, you get rep with each of your faction's races !
Happy DKing !
Profession Info
More Later :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Make a Ton of Gold With Vanity Pets
There is an achievement that you can get, for obtaining 50 unique vanity (non combat) pets and the reward is an adorable skunk pet. Now I am sure you are aware there are some anal people that play WoW that will have to do every single one of these achievements and there are also some people that just have to have Stinker, the Skunk. Either way, it mean lots of gold in your pockets selling pets in the various Auction Houses.
There are several ways to accomplish this, but by far the most lucrative way is to transfer pets from the other faction. (Alliance to Horde and Horde to Alliance) People will pay a lot of money to obtain a pet that they normally do not have access to. My best advice to you is this: DON'T GET GREEDY !!! There are some people on the servers that I play on that are trying to sell these pets for 50 gold each..... how ludicrous is that ? Look upon these greedy individuals as those that end up just making you look more fair and reasonable. Sell these pets for a decent price....I never charge more than 10 gold each and most of them I sell for between 5 and 8 gold each. Don't try to gouge people for 20+ gold....all that does is make people resent you, and sometimes they will remember your name and refuse to buy anything from you, ever !
If you don't have any characters on the other side, or a means to trade (you need a friend or to have two accounts, you cannot buy your own auctions) then you can also sell pets in the neutral auction house.....you just will not be able to sell them for as much. I put up 36 pets in the Booty Bay AH for 5 gold each (everyone else was selling them for 10 gold to 50 gold) and I sold them all in less than 6 hours. That was around 150 gold, and that was just selling Horde pets, I didn't even try selling Alliance.
If you don't know where or what pets are available, you can always look them up online, but let me give you a list of the ones that I usually trade. This will not be a complete list, as I am doing it from memory. (how scary is that ?)
Snakes from Orgrimmar
Prairie dogs from Thunder Bluff
Cockroaches from Undercity
Dragonhawk Hatchlings from Fairbreeze Village
Rabbits from Ambersill Ranch by Ironforge
Cats from crazy cat lady between Goldshire and Stormwind
Moths from Exodar
Owls from outside Darnassus
Neutral Locations
Parrots in Old Port Authority - Booty Bay
Anaconda Chicken - Racetrack in Shimmering Flats
Stormspire (Netherstorm) has an exotic pets dealer that has some reasonably priced pets and also some very expensive pets. I would stick to the cheap ones, the profit margin on a $40 gold wyrmling will not be much.
If you are an engineer, you can make mechanical squirrels for next to nothing and sell them for 5 to 10 gold or more. There are also mechanical chickens and frogs, but the mats are a bit more extensive. You could try advertising in trade chat as being able to make them if others supply the mats, for a fee.
There are other great gold making opportunities that come from achievements and I will be covering them in future posts.
Happy Gold Making !
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Some of the things inscriptors make they can only use themselves. These include things like Scrolls of Recall, which are sort of like a back-up hearthstones. They can also make off hands, and shoulder improvements called Master's Inscriptions, such as Master's Inscription of the Storm which provides spell power and a boost to critical strike rating.
Armor and Weapon Vellums can prove an invaluable resource to Enchanters. These Inscriber-created items allow any Enchanter to affix enchantments to them, allowing the Enchanter to trade, mail, and sell the enchants. If you do not know any Inscriptors, the blank sheets can also be sold on the AH or traded.
Inscriptors can also make cards, which come in two varieties, Tarot and Darkmoon. Tarot cards, such as the Mysterious Tarot, allow you to create a random card in a set of five. Once you have assembled the Tarot deck, you can then travel to the Darkmoon Faire to turn them in for some green or blue quality armor and jewelry. Crafting Darkmoon Cards allows you to obtain the rarer cards from the original Darkmoon sets. With higher level Inscription, you can craft both Outlands-specific and Northrend-specific Darkmoon Cards. Both types of cards can be traded, mailed, or sold on the AH.
Lastly, Glyphs are where the Inscription profession really shines. These enhance both the spells and the abilities of anyone who uses them. There are both Major and Minor Glyphs, and they can be utilized by the classes for which they are specifically designed. Each adventurer can use multiple types of Glyphs and they can be replaced or upgraded at any time, but doing so destroys the original, like socketed gems. Your Glyphs can be found in the Glyphs tab of your Spellbook. Ultimately, this can be a constant money-maker for the Inscriber. You can also gain access to Inscriber-only glyphs via discoveries made through Northrend Inscription Research.
All in all, I think that inscription will be a money making profession, in the long run. However, it probably will not be right away, for anyone that is not able to level it to 375 right now, such as someone that has been saving herbs or has thousands of gold to waste buying them in the AH.
Which brings me to my final topic for the day. Since inscription is such a hot commodity, I am sure you all have noticed the prices of herbs in the AH. They are ridiculous !! So if you have any hanging around in your bank, now is the time to sell them !!! Or if you have a toon that is a herbalist.....now is the time to farm some ! You can get a lot of gold, even for stack of peacebloom and silverleaf, so even if you don't have a herbalist, make one and level them to 5 and pick up herbalism and farm some low level herbs, it is definitely worth your while !
That's my opinion and I am sticking to it ! hehe
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Three Cool Add ons I Found
The first mod I ran across was also recommended by Michael (affectionately known as the ModKing)and it is called WoW Instant Messanger. If you have been frustrated by trying to find your whispers in a sea of channel chats, or if you have been embarrassed by sending the wrong whisper to the wrong person ("I think you are so sexy" to your Guild Master, instead of your boyfriend)then this is definitely a mod you will want to have. It gives you your whispers in totally separate, movable boxes, so you can easily find them and respond to them. It also sounds a tone to let you know you have a new message. This mod also has no configuring, just toss it in your folder and it just works......always a plus in my book ! WIM is available on the Curse Gaming site.
The second mod I wanted to tell you about is called Auctionator. Now, this add on is no Auctioneer, but it does allow you to place auctions up quickly and easily. You simply hold down the alt key and click on the item in your bag. It will bring up a window (also can be brought up by clicking the Auctionator tab at the bottom of your screen) and it puts your item in a window and at the top shows the price that the mod recommends you sell it at, which is determined by the prices of like items that are in the AH right now. (you can tell it by how much you want to undercut your competition, in the options) It even lists the items that are up for auction, at that time, and the prices they are being sold for, noting which of them are yours and which are others. If you don't agree with their recommendations, then you can type in your own price for bid and buyout. It it pretty handy dandy, the only complaint I have is that it does not hold the prices that you post your auctions at from session to session. Such as, say you are selling Scorpid Surprise Recipes. If you type in your bid and buyout prices, it will hold that price if you want to sell more than one, but if you go to sell them the next day, you have to type in the price again. Ah well, nothing is perfect. Auctionator also does not have a database to suggest prices or a scanning function. It is more or less just a small price comparer for those of us that sell the same items consistantly, and need to know what the competition is selling them for that day. It's pretty handy, but I will still be looking for another AH add on to do what Auctioneer no longer does, simply or easily. Auctionator can be found on the Curse Gaming site.
Hope springs eternal :)
Patch Woes
Cosmos was a large package of mods that I have used practically since Thrall was in diapers. It did a large variety of things and was only one download, instead of having to update them all separately. When I read they were no longer going to update the package I was totally bumming. /sigh
But the most crushing for me, the AH Queen, was Norganna's decision not to update Auctioneer classic. When she came out with Auctioneer Advanced, a few years ago, I tried it and I found it to me WAY too complicated with WAY too many features that I find to be useless for my needs. It is hard to understand and even harder to use, so when she came back with Auctioneer Classic, I breathed a sigh of relief that I would have my easy to use, perfect AH companion mod back. Imagine my horror when I read on her site a few days ago that she is not going to update it for 3.0. I tried to take it like a trooper, and decided to give Auctioneer Advanced another go, thinking maybe she had simplified it in the intervening time. I was distressed to find, upon checking it out that it is just as horrible as ever as to being hard to understand, hard to use, and bogged down with a bunch of features that are either unintelligible, or useless to me. No more simple add on that just suggested a price, and held the prices you wanted to sell at. /sigh
I have found the current mod crisis to be worse that what we went through in Burning Crusade, by far. I keep updating the mods I still have with their replacements, that they say are fixed and working for 3.0, but I still am having tons of problems. My chat log is full of gibberish, and no chat shows up at all. Weird error messages with garbled warnings that make no sense. Mailbox mods that won't show up at all. And a mod that supposedly lets you move around your frames....that doesn't.
I am pretty much at my wits end about all this, so I am going to set it aside for a few days and hope that the programmers get their act together, and in the mean time, look for some new mods to replace the ones from Cosmos.
If any of you have some suggestions.....please let me know !
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Hunter Stuff
So Many Cool Changes to Hunter/Pet in 3.0 - Ok, so with the release of 3.0, hunter's pets will now have one of three of their very own talent trees where hunters can distribute points to make their pets more viable in all different aspects of the game. With this we are also being given more stable slots, so now it's totally possible to have a pet for raiding, one for PvP and yet another spec'd for PvE! In addition to this, pets will "auto-level" when they are trained or taken from the stable to be within 5 levels of the hunter. Pet XP gained from their masters has been increased and the loyalty system has been discarded. Whew! It's good to be a beastmaster hunter!
I have a 70 Hunter, so I will be heading over to MMO-Champion to check out the new talent trees, both for her and for her pets. *Sigh* With 15 characters, I am gonna be staring at Talent trees for a very, very long time. On the bright side, we get free respecs and new talents ! Whooo hoo !
Another awesome thing coming with todays patch:
New Pets Tab in 3.0 - Players will have a nice new pets tab beginning with the release of 3.0 which provides a place for adventurers to keep all of their mounts and vanity pets so they don't each take up an inventory space. Basically you click on the pet in your inventory and it will teach you a spell to summon the relevant pet or mount. Pretty sweet, huh?
Ciao for now,
Hallow's End to Start on October 18th !
To read the full story on all the awesome stuff that Hallow's End has to offer, check out the Community site at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/events/hallowsend/
More Later....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Warhammer - Yay or Nay
Thumbs DOWN ! I am sorry to say, as much as I have tried I just cannot like Warhammer. Now I know what some of you are going to say....I am too wrapped up in WoW to give another game a chance, but that just isn't true. I play Perfect World and love it; look at all the Squidoo lenses I have on it. I have played Warhammer with a totally open mind. Through the fact that all the characters look like the bride of Frankenstein, I still played. Through the first week of hideous lag, I still played. Through the battlegrounds that are almost a carbon copy of the BG's in WoW (that I don't care for either) I still played. I played and played, trying to find the fun and value that some of my friends do. Unfortunately, playing more, instead of making me like it more, made me like it less. I just don't care for it....that's all.
It's hard to describe exactly what it is about it that I don't really care for. I think it is a mix of things. Without taking into account the 2 hours I spent on the phone, calling back 4 times, simply to be able to get into my account to put in billing information, which they insisted on having one week after starting to play the game, not 30 days. They locked me out until they got their credit card number. Their tech support people are ninnies that gave me the wrong information and caused me to have to call back again and again, languishing on hold for ages each time, listening to hold music that sounded like five 10 year olds with their feet caught in a meat grinder.
As for the game itself, my first complaint was the character creation. All the characters are ugly. Even the Elves and human women have faces that only a mother could love. The hair styles are pretty sad as well, but it's the faces that are just horrible.....they would look more at home on an animal with hooves and a mane and tail. You would think in three years, they could have done better. Another thing about the characters I didnt care for was the fact that some of them only come in male.....like the orcs, goblins and a few others. No women ? Are their children delivered by the stork ? I find it offensive they would make characters that are only available in the male sex. I also didn't care for the classes they chose. They are mixed up and not clear cut as to what exactly they are. Like the healer that has to beat on someone to get up the energy he needs to heal. ??? Does this make sense to you ? or the White Lion, that has a pet, but has no ranged attacks that do decent damage. They are expected to beat up mobs manually, right along side their pet. The Magus is another strange one. He spends all of his time riding around on a circular disc like some strange version of the Silver Surfer. The only difference is, he cannot get off the disc. Ever. I admit I may be guilty of comparing their classes to WoWs, but even if I didn't do that, I think I would find their classes to be poorly thought out and many of them difficult and not very fun to play. The only classes I found that were pretty fun to play are the Destruction's Sorceress and the Squig Herder. (male squig herder)
One of the overriding factors that I really didn't like about Warhammer was the character movement. At first I blamed it on the lag, but as the weeks went by, I noticed that while the freeze ups were growing less, the jerky character movement was not getting any better. The movement of the toons is not fluid. When they run, the leg movement is stilted and not realistic looking. This is the best they could do in a brand new, latest technology online game ? Perfect World is better and it is free to play, and made in Malaysia. WoW is better and it is almost 4 years old. Another really annoying thing I found is that you cannot run through most objects, like low hanging tree limbs, and the like, so you are constantly getting hung up on things and fighting to free yourself and go around them. It really is a pain.
I have to admit, the quests are pretty fun and imaginative. I had no complaint there, and I really liked how the area you need to go to for quests was outlined in read with a tooltip mouseover, on the big map. A method WoW would do well to adopt. I can't really say too much about the RVR (PVP) aspect of the game, as that is not really something that I enjoy too much. However, I was disappointed with the crafting system. They only have two crafting professions, Apothecary and Tailsman Making. No way to make armor or weapons. The gathering professions are scavenging, salvaging, butchering and cultivating. From what I understand you will need items from all gathering professions if you want to make things with the two crafting professions, so you better have alts in all professions or be prepared to buy what you need at the auction house.
All in all, Warhammer is not horrible.....I have certainly played worse (visions of Mabinogi dancing in my head) but it was not nearly as good as I expected it to be. From what I understand it is also going through some pretty serious faction imbalance problems on most servers, which I can understand because the Order classes are rather lame, and even uglier (if possible) than the Destruction Classes. It kind of surprised me though, because the Destruction faction is really evil, and do things like torturing Order's war lions and such. I would not think that would be so appealing, but I guess it must be, as the Destruction outnumbers the Order 3 to 1 on most servers. They have also already taken the Order Capital city of Altdorf and killed their King on at least one server, an event that Mystic did not expect to happen for a month or two. With this happening, a level cap of only 40, and no end game content to speak of, other than the taking of the other faction's keeps and capital city......I feel it will not be long before many people will find themselves bored with Warhammer Online.
The above statments about Warhammer are my opinion only, and one that I will say my friend Syrenidus, does not share. He loves Warhammer and has left WoW to play it. I just don't see what the appeal is, personally. *shrugs*
Ciao for Now,
Monday, September 22, 2008
Free Warcraft Guides
World of Warcraft Power Leveling Guides
Profession WoW Guides
World of Warcraft Instance Guides
Battleground and PvP WoW Guide
World of Warcraft Druid Guide
World of Warcraft Hunter Guide
World of Warcraft Mage Guides
World of Warcraft Shaman Guide
World of Warcraft Warlock Guide
World of Warcraft Warrior Guide
World of Warcraft Reputation Guides
Not all things are covered, but a lot of them are, and they are a great source of information. The leveling guides are not as detailed as the ones for $30+, but you don't have to pay for them either.
Have a look for yourself,
A Primal Freebie :)
Primal Riches
This is a guide on how to make money with Primals.
Hope you find it useful !
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Why You Should Get A Second Account
Why you should get a second account:
1. You can get that cool Zhevra mount, under the subscribe a friend program.
2. If you transfer one of your 70's to the second account (costs $25) then you can have two death knights. Especially useful for people who play both Horde and Alliance.
3. You can enchant your own characters armor and weapons. (if your computer is able to run two instances of WoW at once)
4. You can trade stuff back and forth between the Horde and the Alliance, through the neutral Auction House.
Trading stuff between the Horde and Alliance can be rather profitable, as many times items on the other sides AH are cheaper, and you can buy them and trade them over and resell them at a big profit. Sometimes you can also find items for your own personal use that are much cheaper on the other side and you can save gold by buying them there and trading them over.
So it may be wise to think about getting that second account !
Ciao for now,
Wooo Hooooo Lich King to Ship on November 13th !
Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack
I can't deny, I am getting excited. I have been reading up on the inscription profession and it sounds very different and fun. Luckily, I have two herbalists and a ton of herbs (sometimes it pays to be a packrat!) because that is what you need to level inscription. Click here to find out more about inscription. It rocks !
More later,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Darkmoon Faire
The respawn rate for the items is about 15 minutes, so if you have some time, park your bank toon there and keep checking and you can pick up some great things to sell in the AH !
That's all for now,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
WoW Halloween Vid
Have a look !
Friday, September 5, 2008
Leatherworking Chants
Fur Lining - Attack Power — Permanently enchant bracers to increase attack power by 120. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
Fur Lining - Stamina — Permanently enchant bracers to increase stamina by 90. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
Fur Lining - Spell Damage — Permanently enchant bracers to increase spell power by 70. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
Fur Lining - Fire Resist — Permanently enchant bracers to increase your fire resistance by 60. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
Fur Lining - Frost Resist — Permanently enchant bracers to increase your frost resistance by 60. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
Fur Lining - Shadow Resist — Permanently enchant bracers to increase your shadow resistance by 60. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
Fur Lining - Nature Resist — Permanently enchant bracers to increase your nature resistance by 60. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
Fur Lining - Arcane Resist — Permanently enchant bracers to increase your arcane resistance by 60. Can only be used on the leatherworker’s bracers, and doing so will cause them to become soulbound.
More later.....
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Undead Cooking Show
The Undead Cooking Show - Cooking with Ethnea
This was a total hoot, I hope you enjoy it !
This is my last post for today....I swear !! :p
Fishing for Gold
- Selling the uncooked fish
- Cooking the fish and selling the finished product
I have found that I make more money by selling the uncooked fish, in most cases.
But fishing is boring, you may whine. :) Indeed, fishing is not the most exciting thing in the game, but the benefits you get from it make it well worth your while. Not only do you make a good amount of money from selling your finned friends, but you also can level your cooking, and make yourself some of the best buff food in the game.
In the beginning, the fish you catch is virtually worthless. You should start leveling your fishing as soon as your character hits level 5 and can train for it. That way you can use the fish to level your cooking, and you won't waste the lowbie fish you catch. Luckily, it does not take long to start catching fish that you can sell in the Auction House. Probably the first valuable fish you will see is Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snapper. These fish are valuable because they are used to make Blackmouth Oil (used in Alchemy) and Fire Oil. (used in Tailoring and other professions) Now, you are not going to retire on what you sell these fish for, but you can start making money at low levels selling them. Many times the AH does not have any of these fish, so you can set your own price. Don't get greedy, but if there is no competition, you can charge more. Use Auctioneer to give you information on the going rate. (make sure you have scanned recently!)
As you level your fishing, you are going to run into junk fish along the way that you are going to have to sell for next to nothing, like Redgill. There is a way, I have found, to get more for these overly common fish when you sell them in the AH.......make sure to have the recipe in the AH also, so that people can buy the recipe and then buy your fish. People are always desperate to level their cooking, so if you offer them an easy way to do it, you will find you sell more fish, at a better price. The redgill recipe is sold in Booty Bay, in the Old Port Authority. For the locations of other fish recipes, use Thottbot or Wowhead.
Once you level up to fish like raw sunscale salmon, nightfin snapper and winter squid (around 200) you can really start making some money. These fish sell for around a gold a piece, depending on your server and the competition from other fishermen. They also make some pretty awesome food. The salmon food increases health regen, the snapper increases mana regen and the squid increases agility. Not bad for a lowly fish.
The higher your fishing goes, the more the fish sell for, and the better quality buffs they give, when you cook them. If you want more detailed information, I found a cool free site that has all the fishing info you could want: El's Extreme Anglin - World of Warcraft Fishing Guide.
Talk soon,
My New WoW Squidoo Page - The World of Warcraft T Shirt Shop !
Jade's WoW T Shirt Shop
Jade's WoW T Shirt Shop for Classes
For you up and coming Warhammer fans, I also made a Warhammer Store, you can find it at:
Warhammer Store
Ciao for now !
Monday, August 25, 2008
Release Date for WotLK ?
Just FYI,
Friday, August 22, 2008
Three Must Have Patterns for Tailors
If there is one thing I have made money selling, consistently, it is shirts. Shirts always sell, it's as simple as that. However, there are three shirts that sell better than any others.....and for more money. If you are a tailor, you would be insane not to get these patterns !
1. Rich Purple Silk Shirt ~ This shirt sells for anywhere from 3 gold to 8 gold (or more) depending on the server. You only have to be skill 185 to make it and the mats are a mere 4 silk bolts, one silk thread and a purple dye. Dirt cheap to make and this shirt probably sells for more than any other, simply because it is not made to sell by very many people......and the pattern is pretty rare. That is the bad news. The pattern is a world drop, and really cannot be farmed. It has been known to show up in SM, Uldaman, even Scholo. It also has made appearances in chests in any instance above level 35. My best advice to you is to keep and eye on the auction house and if you see it, buy it.....at any price. I have personally paid $100 gold for this pattern and trust me, it's worth it. You will make your money back 1000 fold, if you sell these shirts regularly.
2. Black Swashbucklers Shirt ~ This shirt sells for 7 gold, on my server......on other, older servers, it sells for about 3 to 4. Still, for a skill level of 200 pattern, and cheap mats (5 silk bolts, thread and black dye) it sells like hotcakes, because most people don't make it consistently to sell, and everyone wants to buy it. The best news is, it's a vendor pattern. It is limited quantity (1) but if you are patient, you can get it for a mere 18 silver. It is sold by a goblin vendor in the Old Port Authority in Booty Bay. He also sells parrots (he is a pirate supplier....arrrrrr !) but don't try to sell the parrots in the AH, they are very common, and don't sell for much.
3. Dark Silk Shirt ~ This shirt sells for about 2 to 3 gold, on the servers I deal on. Not a big price, but it stacks up, if you sell a few every day. The skill level needed is 155, and the mats are super cheap, at 2 silk bolts, 2 dyes, and a fine thread. This shirt sells well, and consistently and it is definitely worth adding to your daily list of items to put in the AH. The pattern is sold by the tailor vendor in Darkshire for the alliance and Tarren Mill for the Horde. I can't remember the cost, but its a pittance compared to what you will make selling it.
So there you have it. Tailors, listen to me and gold will be rained down upon you. :)
See you all soon,
Friday, August 15, 2008
And the Other Obsession Is.......
SilkRoad - (**) The graphics in this game are pretty nice, about the same as Perfect World or SWG. The character creation is non-existent, you chose from pre-made toons. The in-game tutorials were pretty good, on how to play the game. The major problem with this game (and why I would not play it) is the only type of character movement is point and click. I hate that !!!
Mabinogi - (*) I was all fired up about trying this game.....it has good reviews and from what I read, an extensive crafting system. You can even make originally designed clothing ! It sounded like heaven, to a crafter like me. Imaging my dismay when I logged in and found a game that looked like a Saturday morning cartoon from 1969. The graphics are worse than awful. The characters all look like 10 year old kids and only had point and click movement. (you know I hate that !) Ten minutes of playing this game and it was on the express train to uninstallville.
Anarchy Online - (*) The concept of this game was really cool......a sci fi theme with spaceships and aliens. Sounded like it was right up my alley. Another crashing disappointment awaited me, after going in. The graphics are pretty horrible, though better than Mabinogi (what isn't) they are blocky and dated. The character creation, while you don't have that many choices of race, you do have some customization in appearance, if you don't mind blurry, blocky heads. One saving grace is that they have a TON of professions, all of which sound pretty cool and interesting.....if the rest of the game was not so dismal. The character movement, while using W, S, D, A and the mouse, it's very hard to guide your character (literal hell for this carpel tunnel wrist of mine) and the only way to fire your weapon is by hitting Q. Q ?? This game sucked and was, as they say......gone in 60 seconds.
Hero Online - (****) Hero is pretty fun, and while it is no WoW, at least it is playable and has nice graphics. The character creation is garbage.....you have 3 women and 2 men to choose from and their appearance is pre-determined. (I felt like I was in Clone City whenever I was in town, with the same 5 faces everywhere...hehe) The character movement can be changed from point and click (you know how I feel about that!) to W, S, D, A and mouse in the key bindings. The armor and weapons and quest system is not hard to figure out. The worst thing about it is the lack of quests. You only get a few per level and the rest of the time you have to grind. There are many comical things in this game, not the least of which are the men's hairstyles. Since the game is Asian based, all the toons wear Japanese looking armor, and instead of helmets, you get hairpins for head armor. When a guy puts on a hairpin, it gives him a little bun on top of his head with this giant pin (it actually more resembles a knitting needle) stuck through it. The first time that we saw that, Sy and I almost fell out of our chairs laughing.....it is hilarious looking. The good news is, hairpins actually improve the hairstyle on female characters. Anyway, Hero isn't bad to play, for a free game. If you want something to do as an alternative to WoW, while you are waiting for WotLK to come out, you may want to try it.
I think I am done with other games for a while. After reading the hype on their sites, the reality is just too heartbreaking. :)
Till Next Time,
I Squidoo, Do You ?
The following are a list of my lenses:
Introduction to Perfect World
Perfect World - Races and Classes
How to Buy Cubigold for Perfect World
Perfect World - How to Use the Item Mall
Perfect World International
I know it seems like there is a lot of love for Perfect World, (another MMOG I play) and not much for WoW, but the reason for that was there were no lenses on Perfect World at all......so I figured I would fill that void......hehe. Anyway, Squidoo is fun ! Many people have made "how to" pages for everything from how to make french onion soup, to how to change the oil in a car. Some folks just make a page about their hobby, or passion.....or even about themselves. Lots of people make lenses as lead in pages to get people to their website to try to sell them something. Squidoo does not care if your page is commercial, unlike most other sites (such as My Space) so you can even make pages to sell stuff.
So that is one of my obsessions lately, see the next post for my other one.
Profession Spells
Socket Bracer - Permanently add a socket to your bracers. Requires a level 60 or higher item.
Socket Gloves - Permanently add a socket to your gloves. Requires a level 60 or higher item.
Lightweave Embroidery - Embroiders a subtle pattern of light into your cloak, giving you a chance to cause an additional 800 to 1000 Holy damage when you damage an enemy with a spell.You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
Darkglow Embroidery - Embroiders a magical pattern into your cloak, giving you a chance to restore 300 mana when you cast a spell.You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
Swordguard Embroidery - Embroiders a magical pattern into your cloak, causing your damaging melee attacks to sometimes ignore 1000 of your target’s armor.You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
Wild Growth - Embrace the natural energies surrounding you, healing you for 2000 over 15 sec. (300/480/720/900/1200/2000 Depending on Rank). Instant, 5 min cooldown
More later, :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
WoW's Version of Mystery Science Theater 3K
There is one introduction vid and 16 episodes: 3 for Hellfire Ramparts, 4 for Slave Pens, 5 for Mechnar, and 4 so far for Underbog. All of them are worth watching, if for nothing other than the comedy. (you will definitely find them more humorous if you have done these dungeons as many times as I have) You will also find some useful tips and information about actually doing the dungeons and playing the game in general. Laugh while you learn, that's a win/win situation.
The site also has some pretty nice guides for the classes, professions and dungeons. Though the information in them is pretty basic, they are fairly complete and I did learn a few things from reading them. I noticed they are looking for more guides and asked for any guide authors that are interested, to get in touch with them.
This is a new and innovative take on WoW.....something you don't really see all that often, any more. Definitely worth checking out !
Project Lore
That's all for now,
Your Character, Immoralized !
It's a pretty interesting site, you might want to check out just for the heck of it :)
More Later,
Monday, August 4, 2008
Off Topic - Blingo
Anyway, I thought it was worth mentioning, since it's free to register. :)
Here's a link for you:
Check it out !
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A Few Patterns that Sell Well
Today I have a couple shorties for you, before dinner. First, some recipes you can pick up in Shat City and sell on the AH to make a quick few gold. The first one is in the Lower City, behind the Aldor Bank, on the lowest tier of the birdmen treehouse. If you have to go on a ground mount, then you go up the bridge that takes you to the highest tier then go around and go down the stairs to get to the lowest tier. If you can fly, just fly up. It is the recipe for Primal Might Transmute and it costs 8 gold. Depending on your server, you can resell it for 12 to 30 gold in the AH.
The other one is the recipe (schematic) for Fused Wiring, available from a engineering supply vendor on the other side of the Lower City (behind the Scryer bank) by the tailor trainers, fruit vendor and reagents guy. You can also get this recipe from a goblin engineer supplier in Everlook, Winterspring. If you are having trouble finding it in his inventory, you can kill him, and when he respawns he will have it (and usually a few others at well) but you will lose some rep by doing this.
These are both limited supply (1) recipe, so if you don't see it, then keep checking back, it will respawn, but unfortunately, you can only buy one. I make it a point to pick up both, every time I am in that neighborhood on business.
There is one other pattern that always sells for quite a bit of gold, even tho it is a lower level, and that is the pattern for Nightscape Shoulders. This is available for the Alliance, in the Hinterlands in the bunker type building by the mailbox. In one of the side rooms, that is off the main lower level room, there is a leatherworking supplier that sells a limited quantity (1) of this shoulders pattern. I was not going to mention it, since I have never much luck getting it. I would say only 1 out of every 5 times I have looked for it, I have found it there. I am not sure if it just has a really long spawn rate, or what, but more times than not, it's not there.
The Horde can get this pattern in Camp Mojache, Feralas from the leatherworking supplier there, and the success rate is much better. The vendor is in the biggest tent.
This pattern is really is worth looking for if you have a leather worker, since the mats are cheap and easy to get. The shoulders sell in the AH for anywhere from 3 to 12 gold, and they always sell the first time, because the stats are agility and stam......a popular combo for many classes. The pattern itself sells for 10 to 49 gold in the AH.
Time for dinner, so that's all for today !
Monday, July 28, 2008
Free Guide on Using Auctioneer
Guide to Using Auctioneer
You will need WinRAR in order to extract it and read it. This is a pretty comprehensive guide to using the addon Auctioneer....a must have if you plan to make gold using the Auction House. Download this and read it, it has great information.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Cooking Murlocs For Real ! I Found a WoW Cookbook !
But what if I can't cook, you may be saying. Well, this cookbook delivers in clear, simple and easy terms, so even if you burn water, you should be able to make all your WoW Favorites. Image having a Warcraft themed party, inviting your WoW buddies and serving them a full three course dinner of:
- Nightfin Soup
- Beer Basted Boar Ribs
- Sand Pear Pie
- Buzzard Bites
- Crab Cakes
- Goblin Deviled Clams
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
How to make Gold and Enemies at the Same Time
If you have been playing WoW for any length of time, and do regular business in the AH, or sometimes if you even just subscribe to the Trade Channel, there is probably one person whose name keeps coming up. There is usually at least one on every server. You know who I mean.....the guy that buys up every epic and blue in the AH and then doubles or triples the price and puts them back in. Or the guy that buys every single primal of a particular type, on a regular basis, and then puts them back in the AH for double the price. These guys make gold, and lots of it......but only at the expense and misery of others. Is it worth it ? I don't think so, but then, I feel bad for ruining people's fun and profiting at the expense of others. Apparently these guys don't care who they hurt to get ahead.
I have found that these people usually end up making so much gold that they end up trying to sell it to gold companies, they eventually get caught and disappear. (Blizzard watches these people, closely, because so many people file complaints on them for destroying the economy)
Unfortunately that is not the case with one of these types on my server. Either he is extremely slick at not getting caught, or he does not sell his gold, because we have had to put up with his sorry butt for over a year now. I WANT TO STRANGLE HIM ! Because of him, Auctioneer's prices are totally unreliable on most blues and all epics. He has been overcharging for so long that he has "taught" Auctioneer that his ludicrous prices are the norm. I have preached to people over and over to stop buying his stuff completely, it is the only way to get rid of him, but they don't listen or don't care. He carefully guards the identity of the toon he plays for real so people don't KOS him. There really is nothing anyone can do about him and it's very frustrating.
This is a pet peeve of mine I could vent about for hours, but I will spare you :) The moral of the story is: DON'T make your gold at the expense of others. It is a lousy thing to do no matter how you look at it and it will make you the most disliked player on your server.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Professions - Which One Makes Money ?
I had a Hunter that was herb/alchemy, a Warrior that was mining/blacksmith, Rogue that was skinning/leatherworking and a Druid that was skinner/tailor. (this was before Jewelcrafting) I tried selling items from all professions from level 5 to 30 and this is what I found.
Remember, these are generalizations, there are exceptions.
Herb/Alchemy - you will make more money selling the herbs than making potions to sell. The AH is flooded with low level potions from people trying to level their alchemy, so deliberately making pots to sell at this level is a bust.
Mining/Blacksmithing - You can make some money mining, but it is a lot of running around for very little gold, until you get to iron. From there you can make decent gold selling ore and bars, since so many professions use them. Blacksmithing is a total waste of time, from a money making standpoint, below level 30. (as is engineering)
Skinning/Leatherworking - You can always make money skinning at any level. Leather always sells. Leatherworking makes money, if you know what to sell. How you find this out is trial and error. Chest pieces and pants from level 10 up are usually good and armor kits are also a good money maker, if you make sure the AH is not flooded with them when you put them in.
Tailoring ~ This is where I hit the motherlode. The gold you can make with tailoring is obscene. From level 5 there are things you can make that sell. The higher the level, the more you can make. The key, of course, is in knowing what to sell.....but even at level 70, I make all levels of things to sell, from level 5 red linen robes, to level 70 Runic spellthread. It all sells.
Well, that's all for today. In my next post, we will revisit the money making potential of professions above level 30.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Making Gold by Splitting Stacks
Most any other time when this happens, I just buy the stack, take what I need and then put the rest back in the AH for the same price I paid for it. (A nice way to get your mats you need for free) but since selling gold pearls is pretty hard to do, I didn't want to be stuck with 18 of them. I ended up bumming them off a guildie, who was just as happy to get rid of them and make space in her bank. It was a good solution, but make sure you don't make a habit of hitting up your guildies for stuff, unless you are just as free in giving them stuff in return.
Other reasons why people don't want to buy a full stack may be that they don't have the money to buy the whole thing, or they are just too cheap to part with it. There are any number of reasons why full stacks don't always sell, but the why isn't that important. All you need to know is that you can benefit from the fact that they don't. If you buy full stacks, there is a good chance that you will be able to split them up and sell them for more than what you paid. For example, I picked up a stack of Super Healing Potions, in the AH today for 11g 25s. I immediately turned around and split them into 3 singles for 3.25 gold each and one stack of two for 6.5 gold. A neat 5 gold profit (less AH fees, of course) with no muss and no fuss.
Now I know you are asking: How do I know which items to try this with ? I am sorry I cannot give you a list, there are simply too many. I know which ones to pick because I have leveled most all professions, so I know what stuff is needed for them. I also am familiar with what mats make the more popular potions that are always needed (like health, mana, agility, defense) and what items are needed for quests (like ungoro soil and Hillman's cloaks) and stuff like that. However, there are some standbys that I think are almost always worth a look:
Leather - especially heavy, rugged and knothide
Cloth - especially wool, mageweave and runecloth (always wanted as it used for rep turn ins)
Shards - small and large brilliant and radiant shards, and large prismatic shards
Herbs - almost any herb will work
Metals - not the low level stuff, but thorium bars are needed for arcanite transmute, fel iron bars are needed for a quest and Eternium Ore is needed for enchanting, to name a few.
Potions - most any type of potion that sells (some don't) you can split up and resell.
Primals - everything in BC needs primals. 'Nuff said.
Gems - I usually stick to lower level ones.
Elementals & Essences - air, water, earth, fire, undeath......these are all used in professions and sell well in ones and twos.
I could go on and on, but one thing you need to remember is that each server is different. How popular some things are on a server that has tons of 70's may be very different than a newer server with very few high levels. Another important thing to remember is to make sure you look to see what the going price is for singles of what you plan to split. If you buy a stack of pots that you need to sell for 3 gold each to make profit, make sure that someone doesn't have 10 singles in there for 2 gold each.
Well, that's all for today, hope you all make some gold !
Monday, July 7, 2008
A Quick Way to Make a Few Gold With NO work
It's really pretty basic. You simply check the price of each of the primals....earth, life, shadow, fire, air, mana. One at a time, you see if any of them are selling (buyout) for at least two gold less than the majority of the others for sale. You buy them, and immediately put them back in the AH for the going rate. I guarantee they will sell before the day is over if you underbid the cheapest one there.
I did this with primal mana, just a few minutes ago. There were three of them in the AH for a buyout of 14 gold. The next cheapest one was (buyout) of 17g 75s. I quickly bought the three for 14 and put them back in the AH for 17g 50s. Two of the three had already sold by the time I was done doing my auctions.
There you have it. An easy 10+ gold with no work. Just check the primal market every day and there is a good chance you can find a deal or two for some quick cash. You can also do this with enchanting mats, like large prismatic shards. Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom to check out the price per item for stacks and partial stacks. They may be cheaper to buy in bulk and you can sell them one at a time for more.
Have a good rest of the day !
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A "My Space" for WoW
Come check it out :)
Monday, June 30, 2008
I Made New Free Sig Website
I am very excited about this and I hope that lots of people will order sigs for their toons ! I also made a sister site for Guild Banners. However, since Guild Banners are custom made and much more involved to make, I had to charge a small fee for making them. ($5 to $20) I can't put a sample of my Banners here because the images are very large, but if you want to see, check out the site at: http://www.guildbanners.gamegraphics.biz/.
That's all for today !
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Employment for your AH Toon
Today's post is kind of a continuation of my last one, in that it also deals with your AH toon. As you recall, an AH toon is one that resides in a capital city and does nothing but deal with your auctions.
First of all, you should level your AH toon to level 5, so they can learn a profession. Yes, regardless of what you have heard, you can make money with low level professions. You may not want to do this till you have 20 or so gold, because you are going to need some money to buy mats. My favorite two professions for AH toons are tailoring and enchanting. At very low levels of tailoring, you can make quite a few items that almost always sell in the AH.......and usually for more than you would think. Here is how I do it:
How to make extra money with your AH toon with tailoring/enchanting:
- Level your toon to 5 and learn tailoring and enchanting.
- Go to the AH and buy all linen cloth that is 15 silver or less for a stack of 20 pieces or 10 bolts. If there is none, then keep checking till there is. Don't buy more expensive stacks, it defeats the purpose of making a profit.
- Level your tailoring till you can make the following: white, brown, red, blue and green linen shirts and white and red linen robes.
- The shirts you can put in the AH and sell for 12 to 75 silver each. The white and brown sell for less and the green sells for slightly more. Before you put them in the AH, check and see if there are any in there and price yours a little less. If some idiot has put 20 of one color in for 1 silver each (he obviously made them to level his skill) then don't put any of your shirts of that color in that day, just hold on to them till the dollar shirts sell off and then you can sell yours for more.
- Level your enchanting till you get the chant for +5 to health. It's really low, like 20 or something. Once you have it, then go to the AH and buy a stack of Strange Dust. Don't pay more than 1 gold for it.
- The while linen robe pattern is from the trainer, but the red linen robe pattern you will have to buy. It is a very common pattern and you should not have to pay more than 10 silver for it. Learn both patterns and make three each per day, put the little +5 health chant on them and you can sell them for 89 silver to 1 gold 75 silver, depending on your server. Before putting them in the AH, check and see if there are any others in there already. If they are priced at 25 silver or less, buy them and enchant them and resell them. If they are over 25 silver, yours will still have an edge, even if they are priced higher, because of the enchant.
If you do this every time you put your quest loot in the AH, you will easily make an extra 5 gold or more, just from the sale of these small, low level things. You can do the same with some higher level tailoring items and make even more extra gold, but that is a post for another day. :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Importance of Having an AH Toon
- Always have the biggest bags you can.
- NEVER throw anything away that you get while questing, and if you have to, then toss singles and not stacks.
- Make an auction house toon, no matter how low level your main is.
The first two are self explanatory, so let's talk about the last one. You need to have a toon in your gold making arsenal that does nothing but sit in a capital city and be a businessman/woman. When you are out questing, every time you are near a mailbox, stop and do a "bag dump." This means you mail everything you have collected while questing to you AH toon. In the begining, I mailed everything, but after I learned what was garbage and what I could sell, I just sent the latter and vendored the rest. It can be a bit tricky to know the which is which and you have to be diligent to notice the difference between Lifeless Stone (garbage) and Solid Stone. (used by Jewelcrafters and Engineers) If you are too new to the game to know what to vendor, then mail everything and look items up on Thottbot.
You may be thinking that its a lot of trouble to go through to sell a green or a gray for few silver, but actually it's not. Just mail all your stuff to the AH toon, and then once every day or two (I recommend not more than that) you log into your AH guy and you dump everything into the Auction House and let nature take it's course. Next time you log in, you will have gold waiting for you ! Get in the habit of doing this every time you play and the gold you earn stacks up. If you don't know what to charge for items, check in the AH to see the going rate or use Auctioneer. (I will go into using Auctioneer, in more detail, in the future.....it is essential)
Now I know that my techniques are not for the average player. Many people I play with think I am crazy for bothering to sell everything I run across. I just smile, knowing I have epic flying mounts for all five of my 70's. Do they ? Usually not.....so you tell me who is crazy ? :)
Cya for today !
Saturday, June 21, 2008
How to be Annoying in a Raid :)
How to be Annoying in a Raid
- Make sure to always show up late and without any reagents or potions that you will need for the ensuing battles. Everyone will be happy to share theirs with you and it will save you money, since you won't have to buy them.
- Whenever you are not fighting, constantly jump around like your butt is on fire. Make sure to do other "cute and funny" things like constantly sniffing, poking, slapping, farting and every other emote that Bliz offers, to everyone in the raid, especially the leader. I guarantee s/he will be impressed.
- Give orders to others in the raid, tell them how to fight, what to do, and how to play their character. After all, you know how to do all these things better than anyone else, right ? Everyone in the group will appreciate your help and will make sure to remember you.
- Swear every other word, especially if you are in Vent/TS. It will show the others how grown up you are.
- Walk away from your computer whenever you want, without telling anyone. If you feel the need to go play with your pet tarantula for a few minutes, that's cool and no one will mind.
- Roll need or say you need every piece of loot that drops, even if you can't really use it. That way you will get more loot and come out ahead
- Never run back on a wipe. Just stay dead and the priest or pally can rez you when they come back. That *is* their job, isn't it ?
- Lastly, make sure you put the raid leader on your Friends List and every time you see him or her online, whisper them and ask when the next raid is. It will keep your name fresh in their mind for the next time they need someone.
Till next time,
Friday, June 20, 2008
A Quick "Don't Do"
- It is rude to shove a guild charter in someone's face without whispering them first.
- It's a poor way to promote an up and coming guild, basically saying that you will take anyone, without even bothering to talk to them first.
- If you do not have ten people that are willing to start a guild with you, then you have no business starting one at all !
So, in a nutshell......don't do this !
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Tip for Low Level Gold Making
There are a few ways to get better gear:
Buy it in the Trade Channel
Buy it in the Auction House
You notice that the key word in both choices is BUY. This requires gold ! Many people are under the illusion that you cannot make gold unless you have a higher level character. I am here to tell you that is not true. When I discovered the AH, after 3 months of playing the game with characters that were always broke, I was astounded at how easy it is to make money. Today I plan to tell you one way I found to make money starting at level 5 !!
There is an NPC's in almost all the starting towns that sell little low level cooking recipes. For example, in Razor Hill, there is an NPC on the side of the inn that sells a recipe for Scorpid Surprise for 2 silver, 20 copper. The NPC in Goldshire sells a recipe for Longjaw Mud Snapper, he is by the wagon. All you have to do is to buy two or three of these recipes and resell them in the Auction House ! You buy the recipe for 2.20 gold and sell for a bid of 95 silver and a buy out of 1 gold 29 silver. You may want to check and see if anyone else is selling them, and if they are, make sure to price yours a few silver lower.
Now I know you are saying.....WHY would anyone buy them for that amount, if they can get them for 2.20 silver ? Well, I don't really know....but they do, trust me. I been selling these recipes for years and they almost always sell the first time you put them in. What I normally do is to buy a dozen and put them in my bank, so I can just pick them up and drop them in the AH at least once a day.
Ok, so you are not going to get rich off this overnight. I never said you would, however it is a nice way to make a few bucks on your way up......it is one way. I have lots more ways that I will be discussing in the days ahead. :)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Day One !!! Let's Begin....
See you soon