Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Hunter Stuff

I flat out stole this from Spugnort's newsletter, regarding hunters. But since I am giving him credit, I don't feel guilty. :)

So Many Cool Changes to Hunter/Pet in 3.0 - Ok, so with the release of 3.0, hunter's pets will now have one of three of their very own talent trees where hunters can distribute points to make their pets more viable in all different aspects of the game. With this we are also being given more stable slots, so now it's totally possible to have a pet for raiding, one for PvP and yet another spec'd for PvE! In addition to this, pets will "auto-level" when they are trained or taken from the stable to be within 5 levels of the hunter. Pet XP gained from their masters has been increased and the loyalty system has been discarded. Whew! It's good to be a beastmaster hunter!

I have a 70 Hunter, so I will be heading over to MMO-Champion to check out the new talent trees, both for her and for her pets. *Sigh* With 15 characters, I am gonna be staring at Talent trees for a very, very long time. On the bright side, we get free respecs and new talents ! Whooo hoo !

Another awesome thing coming with todays patch:

New Pets Tab in 3.0 - Players will have a nice new pets tab beginning with the release of 3.0 which provides a place for adventurers to keep all of their mounts and vanity pets so they don't each take up an inventory space. Basically you click on the pet in your inventory and it will teach you a spell to summon the relevant pet or mount. Pretty sweet, huh?

Ciao for now,


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